OS State of the Union
Arek Dreyer, Dreyer Network Consultants.
What do we actually care about?
Charles Edge, Jamf and krypted.com
The IT Workplace in the Agile Age
Andreas Westendörpf, FileWave
Cybersecurity in 2017! And what about 2018?
Sascha Uhl, Code42
Scripting Bash
Armin Briegel, scriptingosx.com
Duncan McCracken, Mondada
Introducing Munki 3
Greg Neagle, Walt Disney Animation Studios
Demystifying MDM: open source endeavours to manage Macs
Jesse Peterson, MacTechs
Apple's Unified Logging for Sysadmins
Tim Sutton, Sauce Labs
Experience Microsoft SCCM the smart way: Manage Mac & PC – via a single Console
Timofey Furyaev, Parallels
Secure or Productive? That is the question!
Sven Huschke, Cortado Mobile Solutions GmbH
Marko Jung, University of Oxford
Securing the Sysadmin
Samuel Keeley, Airbnb
Dive into APFS
Tim Standing, OWC
OmniJS: Automation Magic comes to iOS and macOS
Sal Soghoian, macosxautomation.com
The Apple Admin Community
Zach Halmstad, Jamf
NoLo - Controlling the Login Window with NoMAD Login
Joel Rennich, Orchard & Grove
So, how does this work?
Edward Marczak, Google
(Code) Signed, Sealed and Delivered
Jonathan Levin, Technologeeks
Audīte alteram partem
Jonathan Levin, Technologeeks